

エゴン・シーレ Egon Schiele
1890-1918 | オーストリア | 表現主義




moma: modern art

The birth of modernism and modern art can be traced back to the Industrial Revolution, a period that lasted from the 18th to the 19th century, in which rapid changes in manufacturing, transportation, and technology profoundly affected the social, economic, and cultural conditions of life in Western Europe, North America, and eventually the world. New forms of transportation, including the railroad, the steam engine, and the subway changed the way people lived, worked, and traveled, both at home and abroad, expanding their worldview and access to new ideas. As urbancenters prospered, workers flocked to cities for industrial jobs, and urban populations boomed.

Prior to the 19th century, artists were most often commissioned to make artwork by wealthy patrons, or institutions like the church. Much of this art depicted religious or mythological scenes that told stories and were intended to instruct the viewer. During the 19th century, many artists started to make art about people, places, or ideas that interested them, and of which they had direct experience. With the publication of psychologist Sigmund Freud’s The Interpretation of Dreams (1899) and the popularization of the idea of a subconscious mind, many artists began exploring dreams, symbolism, and personal iconography as avenues for the depiction of their subjective experiences.

Challenging the notion that art must realistically depict the world, some artists experimented with the expressive use of color, non-traditional materials, and newtechniques and mediums. One of these was photography, whose invention in the 1830s introduced a new method for depicting and reinterpreting the world. The Museum of Modern Art collects work made after 1880, when the atmosphere was ripe for avant-garde artists to take their work in new, unexpected, and “modern” directions.



退廃芸術(たいはいげいじゅつ、ドイツ語: Entartete Kunst, 英語: degenerate art)とは、ナチス近代美術を、道徳的・人種的に堕落したもので、ドイツの社会や民族感情を害するものであるとして禁止するために打ち出した芸術観である。





エルンスト・ルートヴィヒ・キルヒナーErnst Ludwig Kirchner, 1880年5月6日 - 1938年6月15日)は、20世紀前期のドイツ画家エーリッヒ・ヘッケルカール・シュミット=ロットルフらと並ぶドイツ表現主義の代表的画家である。




